I know of two elders who refused to join the military and became convicts which prevented them from getting hired so they started their own business. After many years of hard work they now have a successful business and are millionaires. They still have the same modest house and car and you would never know they have money except for some loose lipped close friends.
There are a number of witnesses at the local hall. Dental assistant, some sort of medical salesman 300k a year, 3 engineers i know one is making 150k, 1 well off retired business executive of some electric company, medical assistant, mailman from new york-very well paid here, carpenter owns company works only for rich- very well paid, a few fireman,postman, 2 owners of a paint & body shops, a few more business owners, a few other well paid people. A bunch of regular people with average jobs. I am actually not in a wealthy area the ghetto is only a couple miles away from the middle class area i live in.
The pope is treated like a god and called holy father and people bow to him. He certainly is in a league of his own when it comes to riches and spending money. Man looking at many preachers living on millions of dollars while the people donating money certainly hope for a miracle to pay their bills since they gave the money to the preacher instead.
I certainly commend the witnesses for living on their own money instead of the poor paying for their mansions and extravagant lifestyles. It is interesting that witnesses are mocked for supporting the watchtower and then again for not supporting the watchtower with every dime they have.
Many witnesses are doing some college to get a better job.